Response to "Digital Natives"
This week I was asked to give my perspective on three readings dealing with generational differences in the areas of learning and use of technology. The terms "digital native" and "digital immigrant" were conjured up by Marc Prensky in his creatively titled article; Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants . Prensky uses the term "digital native" to refer to a person who has grown up (or is currently growing up) with frequent use of digital technology. On the other hand, a "digital immigrant" is someone who uses technology, but did not grow up doing so. He mentions that digital immigrants sometimes revert back to their "old world" ways as they were socialized prior to the digital age. Prensky asserts that today's educational system is not serving "today's students" in an effective manner. "Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to t...